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Mon, 25 Nov 2002 18:01:39 +0900
From: Marketing
Subject: List Managemnt
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 01:52:33 -0800
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We are examining our data-base.
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If you do not wish to receive our invitation for FREE
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Otherwise your valuable offers will be
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Staff At MWI
大きなお世話だ!! kathy.phillips@mail.internetseer.com
二度と来ないって言っているし、SPAM とは言えないかもしれないけれど、、、うざい
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Message-ID: <7078227.1028799346226.JavaMail.promon@pm68>
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 05:35:46 -0400 (EDT)
From: Kathy Phillips
Reply-To: Kathy Phillips
To: ggg-admin@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Subject: Error accessing your website
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On Thu Aug 08, 2002 at 02:10:27 AM EDT I was unable to reach your web site:
due to the following error: Time Out
As of Thu Aug 08, 2002 at 05:37:38 AM EDT I am able to access your web site again.
I work for InternetSeer. InternetSeer, a Web site monitoring company, is
conducting an ongoing study of web connectivity. As recommended by the
Robots Guidelines, this email is being sent to explain our research activities
and to let you know about the difficulty in connecting to your site.
The error listed above was initially detected by our primary site monitor
in Philadelphia, Pa. then verified by our secondary site monitor located
in Los Angeles, Ca. before this error event was recorded.
InternetSeer is the largest FREE web site monitoring company in the world. We
provide free web site monitoring to over 1 million users worldwide. We'll
monitor your web site every hour, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day for free.
To have InternetSeer monitor your web site for free, click here for instant signup:
As part of your free web site monitoring, you'll receive immediate notifications
when we encounter problems accessing your web site and weekly performance reports.
InternetSeer does not store or publish the content of your pages, but rather uses
availability and link information for our research.
There is no need to cancel because InternetSeer will never contact you again
at this email address: ggg-admin@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. If you have other email addresses
that you would like excluded from potential future contact,
click here
to have those email addresses excluded from our system.
Click here to learn more about InternetSeer.
Kathy Phillips
Web Site Analyst
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As stated above, there is no need to cancel since YOU WILL NEVER be contacted
again at ggg-admin@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,
but you may
click here,
for a removal confirmation from our website or simply reply to this message
with the word "cancel" in the subject line.
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毎日来るのかよ?! Stock of the Day
Stock of the Day って言うくらいだから、毎日、「株価を見てね」って送ってくるつもりかな?
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From: "Stock of the Day"
Subject: (VTLV.OB) Weekly Hot Stock DXX
Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 19:56:51 -1700
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怒るで! trafficbbs.com
どうして詐称が判ったかって? Fromが webmaster@うちのドメイン だったから。FromだけでななくSenderまで。。。
Reply-To に本名(っていうか?)が入っているので、返信しようとすれば(私が使っているメーラーでは)本当の差出人に届くはずだが、
メーラーによっては、webmaster@うちのドメイン に返信しようとするでしょうね。そんなアドレス使ってないからこちらには来ないけど。
そんな中で、被害にあっている人を発見。その人のところには trafficbbs への問い合わせのメールが届いているらしい。お気の毒に。